Join/Donate to LAMCOS

If you are interested in more information please contact Don Sloan at If you want to join LAMCOS please send your name and address to LAMCOS at P.O. Box 390, Lakehills, TX 78063. Membership dues are $20 per family. Any and all donations are appreciated.

As a member you will periodically receive our Newsletter on issues concerning Lake Medina. These Newsletters focus on subjects such as studies on groundwater and surface water, Medina River gain-loss studies, how to protect the Lake from pollution, and data on TCEQ permitted discharges from Medina Dam.

Please complete (PRINT) and mail to LAMCOS, P.O. BOX 390, Lakehills, TX 78063.

Dues are $20.00 per family. Any and all donations are appreciated.

Name_______________________________________________________ Date_______________________________________________

Street Address___________________________________________ City________________________________ State_______ Zip________

Phone______________________________________ E-mail________________________________________________________________

Dues_________________________________________________ Donation_________________________________________________

You can also donate to LAMCOS using the Paypal link below:

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